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Imperial Ebonheart Pact Dragonknight

EU Megaserver Ayelin

Rank 50
Champion Rank 305 (229,242 / 285,200 XP)
Character assigned to Ayelin

  • Magicka: 9988
  • Health: 18516
  • Stamina: 28345
A list of the recipes from the category Ragout of Ayelin.

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Ragout Recipes 32 / 36 (88%)

Ragout Recipes

Beet-Glazed Pork Beet-Glazed PorkRecipe not yet learned Rank 10
Salmon with Radish Slaw Salmon with Radish SlawAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 10
Stuffed Capon Stuffed CaponAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 10
Beef Stew Beef StewAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 15
Rabbit Loin with Bitter Greens Rabbit Loin with Bitter GreensAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 15
Shepherd's Pie Shepherd's PieAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 15
Beef and Beets Pasty Beef and Beets PastyAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 20
Rabbit Gnocchi Ragu Rabbit Gnocchi RaguAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 20
Stuffed Venison Haunch Stuffed Venison HaunchAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 20
Falkreath Meat Loaf Falkreath Meat LoafRecipe not yet learned Rank 25
Highland Rabbit Stew Highland Rabbit StewAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 25
Hunt-Wife's Beef Radish Stew Hunt-Wife's Beef Radish StewAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 25
Frostfall Pork Roast Frostfall Pork RoastAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 30
Rabbit Corn Chowder Rabbit Corn ChowderRecipe not yet learned Rank 30
Shornhelm Ox-Tail Soup Shornhelm Ox-Tail SoupRecipe not yet learned Rank 30
Fricasseed Rabbit with Radishes Fricasseed Rabbit with RadishesAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 35
Mudcrab Corn Fritters Mudcrab Corn FrittersAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 35
Narsis Bantam Guar Hash Narsis Bantam Guar HashAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 35
Necrom Beetle-Cheese Poutine Necrom Beetle-Cheese PoutineAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 40
Psijic Order Pigs-in-a-Blanket Psijic Order Pigs-in-a-BlanketAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 40
Rumare Slaughterfish Pie Rumare Slaughterfish PieAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 40
Ash-Hopper Dumplings on Scathecraw Ash-Hopper Dumplings on ScathecrawAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 45
Craglorn Skavenger Stew Craglorn Skavenger StewAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 45
Raven Rock Baked Ash Yams Raven Rock Baked Ash YamsAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 45
Braised Rabbit with Spring Vegetables Braised Rabbit with Spring VegetablesAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50
Breton Bubble-and-Squeak Breton Bubble-and-SqueakAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50
Garlic Cod with Potato Crust Garlic Cod with Potato CrustAdded on 11/14/2015 Rank 50
Goblin-Style Grilled Rat Goblin-Style Grilled RatAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50
Grandmam's Roast Rabbit Grandmam's Roast RabbitAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50
Grilled Camel on Cornbread Grilled Camel on CornbreadAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50
Hammerfell Antelope Stew Hammerfell Antelope StewAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50
Kwama Egg Omelet Kwama Egg OmeletAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50
Potato-Stuffed Roast Pheasant Potato-Stuffed Roast PheasantAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50
Silverside Perch Pudding Silverside Perch PuddingAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50
Sticky Pork and Radish Noodles Sticky Pork and Radish NoodlesAdded on 12/11/2015 Rank 50
Wild-Boar-and-Beets Wild-Boar-and-BeetsAdded on 11/01/2015 Rank 50