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ArrowAzzan Melarq

Redguard Daggerfall Covenant Templar

EU Megaserver Azzan Melarq

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1214 (176,274 / 314,080 XP)
Character assigned to Riechsalz

  • Magicka: 37923
  • Health: 24271
  • Stamina: 19110
The titles list of the Elder Scrolls Online character Azzan Melarq in the ESO-Database.

Back to the overview Titles Titles

Emissary (Active Title)
Blackrose Condemner
Cataclyst Breaker
Champion of Anequina
Champion of Blackwood
Champion of Markarth
Champion of the Deadlands
Champion of Vivec
Clockwork Confounder
Cloudrest Hero
Covenant Hero
Covenant Skyshard Hunter
Craglorn Skyshard Hunter
Daedric Lord Slayer
Dark Delver
Defender of Rockgrove
Dominion Hero
Dominion Skyshard Hunter
Dreadsails' Scourge
Expert Excavator
Eye of the Queen
Fighters Guild Victor
Guardian of Elsweyr
Guardian of Galen
Guardian of the Reach
Hero of Clockwork City
Hero of Fargrave
Hero of Murkmire
Hero of Skyrim
Hope's Hero
Knight Errant
Kyne's Chosen
Lord of Misrule
Master Historian
Master Wizard
Mighty in Magma
Monster Hunter
Of House Ravenwatch
Pact Hero
Pact Skyshard Hunter
Roister's Club Initiate
Sagacious Seer
Savior of Blackwood
Savior of High Isle
Savior of Western Skyrim
Shehai Shatterer
Shieldthane of Morthal
Soul Mage Maven
Sower's Savior
Sunspire Ascendant
Thane of Solitude
The Wretched
Three Thrones' Defender
Vanquisher of the Gray Host