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Khajiit Aldmeri Dominion Nightblade

EU Megaserver Bad-Kittyy

Rank 50
Champion Rank 660 (760,385 / 866,373 XP)
Character assigned to ratrat81

  • Magicka: 10279
  • Health: 11131
  • Stamina: 19962
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Bad-Kittyy.

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Recipes 23 / 570 (4%)

Recently learned recipes

Old Hegathe Lemon Kaveh Old Hegathe Lemon KavehAdded on 05/29/2016 - Category: Tonics Rank 50
Grapes and Ash Yam Falafel Grapes and Ash Yam FalafelAdded on 05/29/2016 - Category: Entremet Rank 50
Lilmoth Garlic Hagfish Lilmoth Garlic HagfishAdded on 05/29/2016 - Category: Meat Dishes Rank 50

Recipe overview