Community Screenshots
On this page you can view the Quests of the selected category for Bakleeda.
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A Life of Privilege -
A Pirate Parley -
A Stranger Uninvited -
Broken Apart -
Cracking the Egg -
Getting to the Truth -
Give and Take in Shadowfen -
Hushed Whispers -
Keepers of the Shell -
Last One Standing -
Outside Interference -
Riches Beyond Measure -
Ruthless Competition -
Scouring the Mire -
Strength of the Father -
The Bargain's End -
The Cursed Skull -
The Dominion's Alchemist -
The Dream of the Hist -
The Mnemic Egg -
The Skin-Stealer's Lair -
The Thin Ones -
Three Tender Souls -
Trail of the Skin-Stealer -
Unwelcome Guests -
Vigil's End -
Warm Welcome -
Whispers of the Wisps -
A Final Release -
A Last Reminder -
A Poisoned Heart -
A Taste for Toxins -
And Throw Away The Key -
Anti-Venom Agitation -
Bound to the Bog -
Bug Off! -
Buried in the Past -
Captive Souls -
Captured Time -
Catch the Lightning -
Children of the Hist -
Clarity -
Cold-Blooded Revenge -
Contract: Shadowfen -
Contract: Shadowfen Spree -
Dark Anchors in Shadowfen -
Deep Disturbance -
Dreams From the Hist -
Eyes of the Enemy -
Into the Mire -
Into the Temple -
King of Dust -
Lost Pilgrimage -
Lost to the Mire -
Madness in Rivenspire -
Madness in Shadowfen -
Missing in the Mire -
Missing Son -
Of Dubious Value -
Overrun -
Pull the Last Fang -
Reeling in Recruits -
Salty Meats -
Sap and Stone -
Saving the Relics -
Scales of Retribution -
Schism -
Shadowfen Smorgasbord -
Silk and Shadow -
The Fangs of Sithis -
The Keystone -
The Ones Left Behind -
The Swamp's Embrace -
The Tree-Minder's Fate -
The Winds of Kyne -
Threefold Folly -
Trials of the Burnished Scales -
Unbridled Wealth -
What Happened at Murkwater -
Will of the Broken