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ArrowBoris Borke

Orc Daggerfall Covenant Arcanist

EU Megaserver Boris Borke

Maelstrom Arena Champion
Rank 50
Champion Rank 2707 (38,631 / 987,792 XP)
Character assigned to MagnusElvar

  • Magicka: 21194
  • Health: 24184
  • Stamina: 24729
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Boris Borke.

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Recipes 415 / 570 (72%)

Recently learned recipes

Jagga-Drenched "Mud Ball" Jagga-Drenched "Mud Ball"Added on 12/31/2024 - Category: Delicacies Rank 1
Sour Mash Sour MashAdded on 10/18/2024 - Category: Alcoholic Drinks Rank 30
Hare in Garlic Sauce Hare in Garlic SauceAdded on 10/01/2024 - Category: Meat Dishes Rank 30

Recipe overview