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ArrowCarradar Caellion

High Elf Aldmeri Dominion Sorcerer

EU Megaserver Carradar CaellionMain

Rank 50
Champion Rank 2263 (617,551 / 834,140 XP)
Character assigned to Karada

  • Magicka: 29683
  • Health: 19586
  • Stamina: 14514
A list of the recipes from the category Distillates of Carradar Caellion.

Back to the overview Distillates Distillates

Distillates Recipes 31 / 31 (100%)

Distillates Recipes

Greef GreefAdded on 02/10/2019 Rank 20
Red Queen's Eye-Opener Red Queen's Eye-OpenerAdded on 02/10/2019 Rank 25
Aqua Vitae Aqua VitaeAdded on 09/24/2019 Rank 30
Abecean Brandy Abecean BrandyAdded on 10/26/2019 Rank 35
Enemies Explode Enemies ExplodeAdded on 04/02/2020 Rank 35
Monkeypants Mazte Monkeypants MazteAdded on 02/10/2019 Rank 35
Seven Year Beer Seven Year BeerAdded on 02/10/2019 Rank 35
Hopscotch HopscotchAdded on 07/30/2023 Rank 40
Ten-Foot Beer Ten-Foot BeerAdded on 04/11/2020 Rank 40
Tranquility Pale Ale Tranquility Pale AleAdded on 02/20/2021 Rank 40
Vaermina's Nightmare Vaermina's NightmareAdded on 03/22/2021 Rank 40
Berveza Vitae Berveza VitaeAdded on 06/09/2022 Rank 45
Fifth Legion Porter Fifth Legion PorterAdded on 06/21/2020 Rank 45
Orsinium Pink Zinfandel Orsinium Pink ZinfandelAdded on 02/10/2019 Rank 45
Rude Awakening Rude AwakeningAdded on 02/10/2019 Rank 45
Animate-the-Dead Animate-the-DeadAdded on 04/27/2019 Rank 50
Cardiac Arrest Cardiac ArrestAdded on 04/11/2024 Rank 50
Hello Handsome Porter Hello Handsome PorterAdded on 04/21/2019 Rank 50
High Rock Rose and Rye High Rock Rose and RyeAdded on 05/09/2019 Rank 50
Kagouti Kick Mazte Kagouti Kick MazteAdded on 04/21/2019 Rank 50
Lusty Argonian Maid Mazte Lusty Argonian Maid MazteAdded on 02/10/2019 Rank 50
Malacath's Hammer Malacath's HammerAdded on 04/05/2024 Rank 50
Numidium Brandy Numidium BrandyAdded on 10/19/2019 Rank 50
Orcrest Agony Pale Ale Orcrest Agony Pale AleAdded on 02/10/2019 Rank 50
Qhalua Liqueur Qhalua LiqueurAdded on 04/11/2020 Rank 50
Rislav's Righteous Red Kvass Rislav's Righteous Red KvassAdded on 06/13/2019 Rank 50
Senche-Tiger Single Malt Senche-Tiger Single MaltAdded on 04/16/2022 Rank 50
Tears of Joy Tears of JoyAdded on 04/21/2019 Rank 50
Velothi View Vintage Malbec Velothi View Vintage MalbecAdded on 09/03/2019 Rank 50
Xanmeer Brandy Xanmeer BrandyAdded on 04/22/2020 Rank 50
Ysgramor's Harbinger Lager Ysgramor's Harbinger LagerAdded on 04/27/2019 Rank 50