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ArrowChufu gro-Khash

Orc Daggerfall Covenant Warden

EU Megaserver Chufu gro-KhashMain

Voice of Reason
Rank 50
Champion Rank 2039 (340,945 / 756,622 XP)
Character assigned to Chufu gro-Khash

  • Magicka: 19972
  • Health: 16000
  • Stamina: 17639
On this page you can view the achievements of the selected category for Chufu gro-Khash.

Back to the overview Achievements Achievements

Firesong - Tales of Tribute Points 0 / 40 (0%)
  • Anointed Archdruid
    Collect the following upgraded cards for the Druid King deck in Tales of Tribute.
    4.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • By the Will of the Green
    Use the Druid King's Patron power to remove cards from the Tavern 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games.
    6.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Broken Braigh
    Defeat Tribute Grand Master Braigh in a game of Tribute.
    5.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Kasorayn, My Ally
    Collect the Druid King Tales of Tribute deck.
    12.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Chimera
    In a match-made Tales of Tribute game, acquire The Chimera by triggering the Druid King patron bonus 5 times.
    5.00% of all Players have achieved this.