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ArrowCire Ravenloft

Breton Daggerfall Covenant Nightblade

NA Megaserver Cire Ravenloft

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1549 (138,394 / 391,367 XP)
Character assigned to CireNesnomis

  • Magicka: 29442
  • Health: 23733
  • Stamina: 20191
A list of the recipes from the category Tonics of Cire Ravenloft.

Back to the overview Tonics Tonics

Tonics Recipes 38 / 42 (90%)

Tonics Recipes

Acai Tonic Infusion Acai Tonic InfusionAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 1
Ginkgo Tonic Ginkgo TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 1
Guarana Tonic Guarana TonicAdded on 04/15/2017 Rank 1
Black Coffee Black CoffeeAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 5
Ginseng Tonic Ginseng TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 5
Mate Infusion Mate InfusionAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 5
Meady-Matey Infusion Meady-Matey InfusionAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 10
Tonsil Tingle Tonic Tonsil Tingle TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 10
Yellow Goblin Tonic Yellow Goblin TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 10
Isinmate Infusion Isinmate InfusionAdded on 04/10/2017 Rank 15
Kelp Kaveh Kelp KavehAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 15
Sweetberry Tonic Sweetberry TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 15
Ginkgo Twist Tonic Ginkgo Twist TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 20
Taneth Coffee Taneth CoffeeAdded on 03/17/2017 Rank 20
Yerba Zinger Tonic Yerba Zinger TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 20
Athlete's Guzzle Athlete's GuzzleRecipe not yet learned Rank 25
Busy Bee Brew Busy Bee BrewRecipe not yet learned Rank 25
Ginseng Sling Ginseng SlingAdded on 01/20/2022 Rank 25
Berrymead Tonic Berrymead TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 30
Dancing Grandma Dancing GrandmaAdded on 04/14/2017 Rank 30
Pirate's Jig Tonic Pirate's Jig TonicAdded on 01/20/2022 Rank 30
Crystal Clarity Crystal ClarityAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 35
Rihad Qishr Rihad QishrAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 35
Seaberry Tonic Seaberry TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 35
Blue Road Marathon Blue Road MarathonAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 40
Infernal Infusion Infernal InfusionRecipe not yet learned Rank 40
Sweet Persistence Sweet PersistenceAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 40
Dreugh Spit Dreugh SpitAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 45
Lemonic Invigoration Lemonic InvigorationAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 45
Shimmerene Tonic Shimmerene TonicRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Fredas Night Infusion Fredas Night InfusionAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Fyr's Hyperagonal Potation Fyr's Hyperagonal PotationAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Grandpa's Bedtime Tonic Grandpa's Bedtime TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Hagraven's Tonic Hagraven's TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Hasphat's Sticky Guar Tonic Hasphat's Sticky Guar TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Nocturnal's Everblack Coffee Nocturnal's Everblack CoffeeAdded on 02/17/2017 Rank 50
Old Hegathe Lemon Kaveh Old Hegathe Lemon KavehAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Sailor's Second Wind Sailor's Second WindAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Sipping Imga Tonic Sipping Imga TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Sload Slime Sload SlimeAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Soothing Sundas Tonic Soothing Sundas TonicAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50
Wamasu Spew Wamasu SpewAdded on 02/06/2017 Rank 50