ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

ArrowCommunity Screenshots

ArrowCleville C'iste

Orc Aldmeri Dominion Warden

EU Megaserver Cleville C'iste

Rank 50
Champion Rank 463 (175,873 / 311,323 XP)
Character assigned to sereneleigh
An overview of the skill lines of the character Cleville C'iste.

Back to the overview Class Class

Animal Companions - Rank 50 Level Cap
Green Balance - Rank 50 Level Cap
Winter's Embrace - Rank 46 4561 / 90014 XP

Weapon Weapon

Bow - Rank 50 Level Cap
Destruction Staff - Rank 11 0 / 3552 XP
Dual Wield - Rank 50 Level Cap
One Hand and Shield - Rank 5 0 / 1378 XP
Restoration Staff - Rank 11 1759 / 3552 XP
Two Handed - Rank 9 366 / 3324 XP

Armor Armor

Heavy Armor - Rank 49 42140 / 71628 XP
Light Armor - Rank 24 10748 / 16300 XP
Medium Armor - Rank 50 Level Cap

World World

Legerdemain - Rank 13 125 / 280 XP
Soul Magic - Rank 5 0 / 10 XP
Werewolf - Rank 10 Level Cap

Guild Guild

Dark Brotherhood - Rank 8 20 / 50 XP
Fighters Guild - Rank 6 711 / 880 XP
Mages Guild - Rank 4 110 / 130 XP
Thieves Guild - Rank 10 50 / 75 XP
Undaunted - Rank 2 85 / 100 XP

Alliance War Alliance War

Assault - Rank 3 1951 / 30000 XP
Support - Rank 3 1951 / 30000 XP

Racial Racial

No data available

Craft Craft

Alchemy - Rank 16 31795 / 34200 XP
Blacksmithing - Rank 48 72285 / 200760 XP
Clothing - Rank 50 Level Cap
Enchanting - Rank 17 18983 / 35800 XP
Provisioning - Rank 37 14362 / 105280 XP
Woodworking - Rank 46 144010 / 181840 XP