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Wood Elf Aldmeri Dominion Templar

EU Megaserver Codríel

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1682 (157,951 / 422,051 XP)
Character assigned to Brendon33

  • Magicka: 12954
  • Health: 18437
  • Stamina: 29826
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Codríel.

Back to the overview Provisioning - Recipes Provisioning - Recipes

Recipes 180 / 570 (31%)

Recently learned recipes

Witchmother's Potent Brew Witchmother's Potent BrewAdded on 06/07/2022 - Category: Delicacies Rank 1
Flowing Bowl Green Port Flowing Bowl Green PortAdded on 06/07/2022 - Category: Tinctures Rank 50
Frosted Brains Frosted BrainsAdded on 12/02/2021 - Category: Delicacies Rank 1

Recipe overview