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Dark Elf Ebonheart Pact Nightblade

EU Megaserver Deshai

Rank 50
Champion Rank 2558 (170,811 / 936,229 XP)
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  • Magicka: 29373
  • Health: 17960
  • Stamina: 14430
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Deshai.

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Recipes 234 / 570 (41%)

Recently learned recipes

Fresh Apples and Eidar Cheese Fresh Apples and Eidar CheeseAdded on 07/23/2024 - Category: Fruit Dishes Rank 50
Argonian Saddle-Cured Rabbit Argonian Saddle-Cured RabbitAdded on 07/23/2024 - Category: Meat Dishes Rank 50
Orcrest Garlic Apple Jelly Orcrest Garlic Apple JellyAdded on 07/23/2024 - Category: Fruit Dishes Rank 50

Recipe overview