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ArrowEala Sarano

Dark Elf Ebonheart Pact Nightblade

EU Megaserver Eala Sarano

Bane of Beastmen
Rank 50
Champion Rank 1079 (21,648 / 877,475 XP)
Character assigned to swanee

  • Magicka: 32256
  • Health: 11017
  • Stamina: 13400
On this page you find the collection category Furnishings - Storage for Eala Sarano.

Back to the overview Collection Collection: Furnishings

Unlocked: 8 / 8
Image Name
Storage Chest, Fortified
Heiler Sets
Storage Chest, Oaken
Storage Chest, Secure
Storage Chest, Sturdy
Möbel drei
Storage Coffer, Fortified
Möbel eins
Storage Coffer, Oaken
Storage Coffer, Secure
Dies und das
Storage Coffer, Sturdy
Möbel zwei