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ArrowEärendil Ardamírë

High Elf Ebonheart Pact Warden

EU Megaserver Eärendil ArdamírëMain

Chaos Guardian
Rank 50
Champion Rank 1896 (144,789 / 707,135 XP)
Character assigned to Cerberus0803

  • Magicka: 31870
  • Health: 22137
  • Stamina: 13021
The first, second and third placed characters of the ESO-Database Leaderboards will be awarded in each category every Week, Month and Year. These awards are displayed on this page.

Back to the overview Awards Awards

  • Resurrections Resurrections (Week Number 35 2024)
    2nd Place in category Resurrections.

    Resurrections: 166
  • Damage done (Target Dummy) Damage done (Target Dummy) (Week Number 35 2024)
    1st Place in category Damage done (Target Dummy).

    Damage done (Target Dummy): 194,669,650
  • Paid for resetting morphs Paid for resetting morphs (Week Number 35 2024)
    3rd Place in category Paid for resetting morphs.

    Paid for resetting morphs: Gold 6,150
  • Antelopes killed Antelopes killed (Week Number 35 2024)
    2nd Place in category Antelopes killed.

    Antelopes killed: 4
  • Antelopes killed Antelopes killed (Week Number 34 2024)
    2nd Place in category Antelopes killed.

    Antelopes killed: 3
  • Duels won Duels won (Week Number 34 2024)
    3rd Place in category Duels won.

    Duels won: 2
  • Paid for resetting morphs Paid for resetting morphs (August 2024)
    3rd Place in category Paid for resetting morphs.

    Paid for resetting morphs: Gold 13,650
  • Spent Tel Var Stones on Vendor Spent Tel Var Stones on Vendor (Week Number 31 2024)
    3rd Place in category Spent Tel Var Stones on Vendor.

    Spent Tel Var Stones on Vendor: Tel Var Stones 40,000
  • Duels won Duels won (Week Number 31 2024)
    2nd Place in category Duels won.

    Duels won: 2
  • Damage done (Target Dummy) Damage done (Target Dummy) (Week Number 29 2024)
    2nd Place in category Damage done (Target Dummy).

    Damage done (Target Dummy): 230,560,494
  • Housing Furniture moved Housing Furniture moved (Week Number 28 2024)
    3rd Place in category Housing Furniture moved.

    Housing Furniture moved: 982
  • Furnishings placed in the Courtyard category Furnishings placed in the Courtyard category (Week Number 28 2024)
    3rd Place in category Furnishings placed in the Courtyard category.

    Furnishings placed in the Courtyard category: 18
  • Furnishings placed in the Structures category Furnishings placed in the Structures category (Week Number 28 2024)
    2nd Place in category Furnishings placed in the Structures category.

    Furnishings placed in the Structures category: 80
  • Total gold acquired Total gold acquired (July 2024)
    3rd Place in category Total gold acquired.

    Total gold acquired: Gold 21,852,692
  • Earned from Guild Store Earned from Guild Store (July 2024)
    3rd Place in category Earned from Guild Store.

    Earned from Guild Store: Gold 21,490,657
Page 8 of 20 (287 Awards)