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ArrowElahni Siratannil

Khajiit Aldmeri Dominion Sorcerer
Current or former emperor

EU Megaserver Elahni Siratannil

Tamriel Hero
Rank 50
Champion Rank 2727 (221,736 / 994,713 XP)
Character assigned to dudu_biberveldt

  • Magicka: 30603
  • Health: 19630
  • Stamina: 15316
A list of the furnishings from the category Stones and Pebbles of Elahni Siratannil.

Back to the overview Stones and Pebbles Stones and Pebbles

Stones and Pebbles Furniture 0 / 2 (0%)

Stones and Pebbles Furniture

Elsweyr Sand Meditation Ring, Small Elsweyr Sand Meditation Ring, SmallFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Elsweyr Sand Meditation Ring, Large Elsweyr Sand Meditation Ring, LargeFurnishing not yet learned Level 1