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High Elf Aldmeri Dominion Nightblade

NA Megaserver Frodich

Rank 50
Champion Rank 2128 (670,783 / 787,422 XP)
Character assigned to death_wish

  • Magicka: 35094
  • Health: 21936
  • Stamina: 13578
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Frodich.

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Recipes 143 / 570 (25%)

Recently learned recipes

Mistral Banana-Bunny Hash Mistral Banana-Bunny HashAdded on 07/01/2024 - Category: Savouries Rank 50
Breton Bubble-and-Squeak Breton Bubble-and-SqueakAdded on 06/27/2024 - Category: Ragout Rank 50
Comberry Tonic Comberry TonicAdded on 06/23/2024 - Category: Cordial Teas Rank 15

Recipe overview