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ArrowGorsha Bolak

Orc Daggerfall Covenant Dragonknight

NA Megaserver Gorsha Bolak

Daedric Lord Slayer
Rank 50
Champion Rank 933 (533,552 / 765,644 XP)
Character assigned to Jaim-Sandar

  • Magicka: 9550
  • Health: 33517
  • Stamina: 20845
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Gorsha Bolak.

Back to the overview Provisioning - Recipes Provisioning - Recipes

Recipes 158 / 570 (27%)

Recently learned recipes

Sweetroll SweetrollAdded on 01/18/2021 - Category: Entremet Rank 50
Mate Infusion Mate InfusionAdded on 01/18/2021 - Category: Tonics Rank 5
Mint Mudcrab Mojito Mint Mudcrab MojitoAdded on 06/24/2020 - Category: Cordial Teas Rank 50

Recipe overview