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Orc Daggerfall Covenant Nightblade
Current or former emperor

EU Megaserver Grûml

Rank 25 (14,621 / 42,744 XP)
Character assigned to Zwergknurrer

  • Magicka: 24379
  • Health: 26148
  • Stamina: 21624
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Grûml.

Back to the overview Provisioning - Recipes Provisioning - Recipes

Recipes 157 / 570 (27%)

Recently learned recipes

Balmora Cabbage Biscuits Balmora Cabbage BiscuitsAdded on 03/10/2025 - Category: Vegetable Dishes Rank 15
Pumpkin Cheesecake Pumpkin CheesecakeAdded on 03/10/2025 - Category: Fruit Dishes Rank 10
Crystal Clarity Crystal ClarityAdded on 03/10/2025 - Category: Tonics Rank 35

Recipe overview