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Morrowind - General
Telvanni Style Master Learn every chapter in the Telvanni style book, found by stealing from civilians' homes and pockets in Morrowind.Mar 17, 2022 1:45 PM 23.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Buoyant Armiger Style Master Learn every chapter in the Buoyant Armiger style book, occasionally found in treasure chests across Vvardenfell.Jan 19, 2022 5:44 PM 19.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Ashlander Style Master Learn every chapter in the Ashlander style book, occasionally found as rewards for completing daily jobs for Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar and Numani-Rasi.Feb 15, 2021 3:23 PM 30.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Savior of Morrowind Complete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of Morrowind.Feb 23, 2020 12:56 PM 28.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
The Pilgrim's Path Visit the Shrines of the Seven Graces and read the inscription on each shrine.Aug 15, 2019 6:10 PM 20.00% of all Players have achieved this.5 -
Tribunal Preacher Read all 36 Sermons of Vivec scattered across Vvardenfell.Mar 23, 2019 12:56 PM 21.00% of all Players have achieved this.15 -
Strider Caravaner Visit the silt strider caravaner at each of the stations in Vvardenfell.Feb 21, 2019 10:03 AM 24.00% of all Players have achieved this.5 -
Cliff Striders' Bane Do your part to eliminate the cliff strider menace by killing 100 cliff striders or cliff skippers in Vvardenfell.Feb 08, 2019 3:03 PM 30.00% of all Players have achieved this.5 -
Vvardenfell Skyshard Hunter Discover all 18 Skyshards in Vvardenfell.Jun 25, 2018 9:25 PM 50.00% of all Players have achieved this.10 -
Ancestral Tombs Hunter Find all 30 ancestral tombs in Vvardenfell, make a rubbing of the information they contain, and deliver these rubbings to Librarian Bradyn to discover the location of the lost Library of Andule.Mar 31, 2018 7:47 PM 6.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Morrowind Master Angler Catch all 12 rare fish in Vvardenfell.15.00% of all Players have achieved this.5 -
Morag Tong Style Master Learn every chapter in the Morag Tong style book, occasionally found in Bounty and Explorer's Dispensations from the Hall of Justice.27.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Hlaalu Style Master Learn every chapter in the Hlaalu style book, found by stealing from civilians' homes and pockets in Morrowind.23.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Redoran Style Master Learn every chapter in the Redoran style book, found by stealing from civilians' homes and pockets in Morrowind.23.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Vvardenfell Larcenist At the Vivec City Outlaws Refuge in Vvardenfell, receive 20,000 gold for fencing items.8.00% of all Players have achieved this.15 -
Dwarven Theodolite Acquire and use the Dwarven Theodolite Wheels, Torso, Shoulder, Neck, Head, Eye, and Chassis.16.00% of all Players have achieved this.10 -
Sixth House Robe Acquire and use the Sixth House Tailor's Shears, Writhing Thread, Incense of Toolwork, Tailor's Hammer, Patterned Bolt, Ornamental Fasteners, and Tailor's Bell.15.00% of all Players have achieved this.10