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ArrowJelaza Kazone

Argonian Ebonheart Pact Warden

NA Megaserver Jelaza Kazone

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1862 (286,583 / 695,369 XP)
Character assigned to crazywithapurpose

  • Magicka: 32714
  • Health: 23556
  • Stamina: 14624
On this page you find the collection category Furnishings - Storage for Jelaza Kazone.

Back to the overview Collection Collection: Furnishings

Unlocked: 8 / 8
Image Name
Storage Chest, Fortified
Storage Chest, Oaken
10 to 62 motif
Storage Chest, Secure
Storage Chest, Sturdy
63 to 100 motif
Storage Coffer, Fortified
101 and up motif
Storage Coffer, Oaken
mostly empty
Storage Coffer, Secure
pieces scrolls
Storage Coffer, Sturdy