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Khajiit Aldmeri Dominion Templar

EU Megaserver K'atzi

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1024 (420,780 / 835,347 XP)
Character assigned to Ascari

  • Magicka: 26016
  • Health: 20340
  • Stamina: 11066
A list of the furnishings from the category Sacred Pieces of K'atzi.

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Sacred Pieces Furniture 17 / 43 (39%)

Sacred Pieces Furniture

Murkmire Pedestal, Low Murkmire Pedestal, LowFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Alinor Shrine, Limestone Alinor Shrine, LimestoneAdded on 06/15/2019 Level 1
Alinor Shrine, Limestone Raised Alinor Shrine, Limestone RaisedAdded on 06/15/2019 Level 1
Alinor Wall Shrine, Marble Alinor Wall Shrine, MarbleAdded on 06/15/2019 Level 1
Argonian Wind Chimes Argonian Wind ChimesAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Druidic Dolmen, Stone Druidic Dolmen, StoneFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Elsweyr Altar, Ancient Stone Elsweyr Altar, Ancient StoneAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Multilevel Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient MultilevelFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Small Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient SmallFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Firesong Sculpture, Archdruid's Staff Firesong Sculpture, Archdruid's StaffFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Firesong Sculpture, Chimera's Tail Firesong Sculpture, Chimera's TailFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Firesong Sculpture, Menhir Firesong Sculpture, MenhirFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Coiled Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis CoiledAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Looming Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis LoomingAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Rearing Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis RearingAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Murkmire Pedestal, Winged Murkmire Pedestal, WingedAdded on 06/15/2019 Level 1
Obelisk, Lord Hircine Ritual Obelisk, Lord Hircine RitualFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Ritual Fetish, Hircine Ritual Fetish, HircineFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Ritual Stone, Hircine Ritual Stone, HircineFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Stonelore Tale Pillar, Cliff Stone Stonelore Tale Pillar, Cliff StoneFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Argonian Bark, Painted Argonian Bark, PaintedAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Argonian Bone Chimes Argonian Bone ChimesAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Argonian Drum, Ceremonial Argonian Drum, CeremonialFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Argonian Gravestick Argonian GravestickAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Argonian Pedestal, Altar Argonian Pedestal, AltarAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Argonian Pot, Ritual Argonian Pot, RitualFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Argonian Relic, Serpent Argonian Relic, SerpentAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Argonian Relic, Small Serpent Argonian Relic, Small SerpentAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Argonian Totem of the Snake Argonian Totem of the SnakeFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Eldertide Torus, Stone Eldertide Torus, StoneFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Large Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient LargeFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Firesong Sculpture, Arch Firesong Sculpture, ArchFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Firesong Sculpture, Brood Hen Firesong Sculpture, Brood HenFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Firesong Sculpture, Y'ffelon's Claw Firesong Sculpture, Y'ffelon's ClawFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Coiled Murkmire Shrine, Sithis CoiledFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Figure Murkmire Shrine, Sithis FigureFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Rearing Murkmire Shrine, Sithis RearingFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Relief Murkmire Shrine, Sithis ReliefAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Necrom Monolith, Stone Necrom Monolith, StoneFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Sacrificial Altar, Hircine Sacrificial Altar, HircineFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Wood Elf Hearth, Forest Wood Elf Hearth, ForestAdded on 06/06/2020 Level 1
Lucent Orb, Replica Lucent Orb, ReplicaFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Stone, Lava-Etched Stone, Lava-EtchedFurnishing not yet learned Level 1