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Dark Elf Daggerfall Covenant Arcanist

EU Megaserver Kajinaar

Rank 50
Champion Rank 2398 (217,048 / 880,859 XP)
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  • Magicka: 29508
  • Health: 16000
  • Stamina: 14430
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Kajinaar.

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Recipes 231 / 570 (40%)

Recently learned recipes

Solstheim Elk and Scuttle Solstheim Elk and ScuttleAdded on 01/24/2025 - Category: Meat Dishes Rank 45
Capon Tomato-Beet Casserole Capon Tomato-Beet CasseroleAdded on 01/08/2025 - Category: Gourmet Rank 50
Sweet Slaughterfish Tea Sweet Slaughterfish TeaAdded on 12/31/2024 - Category: Tea Rank 40

Recipe overview