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ArrowKo'firra Three-tails

Khajiit Aldmeri Dominion Nightblade

NA Megaserver Ko'firra Three-tails

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1068 (202,935 / 280,396 XP)
Character assigned to NotFaux
Welcome to the character profile of Ko'firra Three-tails!

Character Character Information

Mundus Stone The Shadow
Last update 02/28/2025 10:09:31

Guilds Guilds

Name Characters Alliance Founded
NA Megaserver Ayrenn's Army 1,832 Aldmeri Dominion 07/03/2019
NA Megaserver Midnight Crossing 729 Daggerfall Covenant 01/08/2021
NA Megaserver Óðinn's Úlfhéðnar 2,510 Aldmeri Dominion 03/30/2014
NA Megaserver The Sweetroll Brigade 3,530 Aldmeri Dominion 09/03/2019
NA Megaserver Trials and Dungeons 803 Aldmeri Dominion 03/27/2020