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ArrowLael Amafrey

Redguard Daggerfall Covenant Dragonknight
Current or former emperor

EU Megaserver Lael Amafrey

Spark of Vengeance
Rank 50
Champion Rank 2478 (823,807 / 908,543 XP)
Character assigned to Lael_18

  • Magicka: 16555
  • Health: 38352
  • Stamina: 20918
A list of the recipes from the category Vegetable Dishes of Lael Amafrey.

Back to the overview Vegetable Dishes Vegetable Dishes

Vegetable Dishes Recipes 40 / 42 (95%)

Vegetable Dishes Recipes

Baked Potato Baked PotatoAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 1
Carrot Soup Carrot SoupAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 1
Roast Corn Roast CornAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 1
Borscht BorschtAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 5
Green Salad Green SaladAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 5
Steamed Radishes Steamed RadishesAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 5
Carrot Cheesecake Carrot CheesecakeAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 10
Gilane Garlicky Greens Gilane Garlicky GreensAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 10
Radishes in Rice Radishes in RiceAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 10
Balmora Cabbage Biscuits Balmora Cabbage BiscuitsAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 15
Port Hunding Cheese Fries Port Hunding Cheese FriesAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 15
Spicy Beet Salad Spicy Beet SaladAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 15
Alik'r Beets with Goat Cheese Alik'r Beets with Goat CheeseAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 20
Battaglir Chowder Battaglir ChowderAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 20
Nibenese Garlic Carrots Nibenese Garlic CarrotsAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 20
Eidar Radish Salad Eidar Radish SaladAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 25
Potato Rice Blintzes Potato Rice BlintzesAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 25
Rihad Beet and Garlic Salad Rihad Beet and Garlic SaladAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 25
Chorrol Corn on the Cob Chorrol Corn on the CobAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 30
Garlic Mashed Potatoes Garlic Mashed PotatoesAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 30
Jerall View Inn Carrot Cake Jerall View Inn Carrot CakeAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 30
Indoril Radish Tartlets Indoril Radish TartletsAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 35
Roasted Beet and Millet Salad Roasted Beet and Millet SaladAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 35
Twice-Baked Potatoes Twice-Baked PotatoesAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 35
Cheesemonger's Salad Cheesemonger's SaladAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 40
Cyrodilic Cornbread Cyrodilic CornbreadAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 40
Toasted Millet Salad Toasted Millet SaladAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 40
Dragonstar Radish Kebabs Dragonstar Radish KebabsAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 45
Savory Thorn Cornbread Savory Thorn CornbreadAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 45
Vvardenfell Ash Yam Loaf Vvardenfell Ash Yam LoafRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Baby Carrots in Moon-Sugar Glaze Baby Carrots in Moon-Sugar GlazeRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Bravil's Best Beet Risotto Bravil's Best Beet RisottoAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
Garlic Radishes a La Kvatch Garlic Radishes a La KvatchAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
Hearty Garlic Corn Chowder Hearty Garlic Corn ChowderAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
Nord Warrior Potato Porridge Nord Warrior Potato PorridgeAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
Pickled Carrot Slurry Pickled Carrot SlurryAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
Skingrad Cabbage Soup Skingrad Cabbage SoupAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
Taneth Chili Cheese Corn Taneth Chili Cheese CornAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
Tenmar Millet-Carrot Couscous Tenmar Millet-Carrot CouscousAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
The Secret Chef's Beet Crostata The Secret Chef's Beet CrostataAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
Velothi Cabbage Soup Velothi Cabbage SoupAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50
West Weald Corn Chowder West Weald Corn ChowderAdded on 12/09/2024 Rank 50