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ArrowLigawen sanador

Wood Elf Aldmeri Dominion Sorcerer

EU Megaserver Ligawen sanador

Rank 10 (9,301 / 11,460 XP)
Character assigned to El-descubridor

  • Magicka: 3429
  • Health: 3072
  • Stamina: 2546
On this page you can view the achievements of the selected category for Ligawen sanador.

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Necrom - Bastion Nymic Points 0 / 125 (0%)
  • Bane of Heralds
    Defeat the Irrefutable Herald, the Dreadful Herald, and the Noxious Herald in Bastion Nymic.
    14.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Nymic Purifier
    Defeat the Noxious Herald in Bastion Nymic.
    17.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Nymic Defier
    Defeat the Dreadful Herald in Bastion Nymic.
    17.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Nymic Refuter
    Defeat the Irrefutable Herald in Bastion Nymic.
    18.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Fate's Puzzler
    Solve Hermaeus Mora's puzzle in the Subverted Quarter of Bastion Nymic.
    12.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Pestilence's Puzzler
    Solve Peryite's puzzle in the Plagued Quarter of Bastion Nymic.
    10.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Nightmare's Puzzler
    Solve Vaermina's puzzle in the Dreaming Quarter of Bastion Nymic.
    11.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Bastion Nymic Master Puzzler
    Solve all the puzzles in Bastion Nymic.
    8.00% of all Players have achieved this.
  • Keeper of the Bastion
    Complete all the achievements in Bastion Nymic.
    5.00% of all Players have achieved this.