Community Screenshots
Lucius Zypherus

Lucius Zypherus
Character assigned to Kandesbunzler
On this page you can view the Quests of the selected category for Lucius Zypherus.
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Malabal Tor
A Father's Promise -
A Nord in Need -
A Novel Idea -
A Tale Forever Told -
A Tangled Net -
A Wedding to Attend -
Arithiel -
Awakening -
Back to Rest -
Blind Man's Bluff -
Brothers and Bandits -
Buyer Beware -
Contract: Malabal Tor -
Dark Anchors in Malabal Tor -
Enemy of My Enemy -
For Everything a Season -
Fulfilling One's Fate -
House and Home -
Lost Daughter -
Madness in Malabal Tor -
Nature's Best Friend -
One Fell Swoop -
Payment In Kind -
Raise the Curtain -
Reap What Is Sown -
Restore the Silvenar -
Sacred Prey, Hunt Profane -
Shipwrecked Sailors -
Shock to the System -
Something Rotten -
The Captain's Honor -
The Dark Mane -
The Dark Night of the Soul -
The Drublog of Dra'bul -
The Hound's Men -
The Hound's Plan -
The Maormer's Vessels -
The Misfortunate Minstrels -
The Prisoner of Jathsogur -
The Show Must Go On -
The Siege of Velyn Harbor -
The Soul Trap -
The Spirit Trap in Malabal Tor -
The Storm's Call -
The Summer Site -
The Tale of the Green Lady -
The Ties that Bind -
The Unkindest Cut -
Z'en and Mauloch