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ArrowMaborel de Weynon

Breton Ebonheart Pact Templar

EU Megaserver Maborel de WeynonMain

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1763 (77,465 / 440,739 XP)
Character assigned to Maborel

  • Magicka: 34645
  • Health: 19397
  • Stamina: 13271
A list of the furnishings from the category Desks of Maborel de Weynon.

Back to the overview Desks Desks

Desks Furniture 17 / 35 (48%)

Desks Furniture

Ayleid Desk, Ornate Stone Ayleid Desk, Ornate StoneFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Breton Desk Breton DeskAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
High Elf Desk, Sturdy High Elf Desk, SturdyAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Khajiit Desk, Faded Khajiit Desk, FadedAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Khajiit Dresser, Faded Khajiit Dresser, FadedAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Murkmire Desk, Engraved Murkmire Desk, EngravedFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Redguard Desk, Sturdy Redguard Desk, SturdyAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Alinor Desk, Polished Alinor Desk, PolishedFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Apocrypha Desk, Intricate Apocrypha Desk, IntricateFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Apocrypha Desk, Marble Apocrypha Desk, MarbleFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Breton Desk, Knotwork Breton Desk, KnotworkAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Clockwork Drafting Table, Flat Clockwork Drafting Table, FlatAdded on 04/13/2022 Level 1
Dark Elf Desk, Angled Dark Elf Desk, AngledAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Desk, Engraved Desk, EngravedAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Elsweyr Desk, Wooden Elsweyr Desk, WoodenAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
High Elf Desk, Verdant High Elf Desk, VerdantAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Orcish Desk, Engraved Orcish Desk, EngravedAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Redguard Desk, Florid Redguard Desk, FloridAdded on 04/12/2022 Level 1
Vampiric Lectern, Polished Vampiric Lectern, PolishedAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Alinor Desk, Mirrored Alinor Desk, MirroredAdded on 04/02/2022 Level 1
Alinor Writing Desk, Noble Alinor Writing Desk, NobleFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Breton Desk, Scholar's Breton Desk, Scholar'sAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Clockwork Drafting Table, Raised Clockwork Drafting Table, RaisedFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Dwarven Desk, Ornate Polished Dwarven Desk, Ornate PolishedFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Elsweyr Desk, Elegant Wooden Elsweyr Desk, Elegant WoodenFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Elsweyr Writing Desk, Elegant Wooden Elsweyr Writing Desk, Elegant WoodenFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
High Elf Desk, Regal Winged High Elf Desk, Regal WingedAdded on 01/14/2022 Level 1
Hlaalu Desk, Scholar's Hlaalu Desk, Scholar'sFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Leyawiin Desk, Formal Leyawiin Desk, FormalFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Nord Desk, Tied Nord Desk, TiedFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Redguard Desk, Bolted Redguard Desk, BoltedFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Solitude Desk, Ornate Solitude Desk, OrnateFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Telvanni Desk, Organic Telvanni Desk, OrganicFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Vampiric Desk, Polished Vampiric Desk, PolishedFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Apocrypha Podium, Candlelit Apocrypha Podium, CandlelitFurnishing not yet learned Level 1