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ArrowMarcena Gaijus Bellentor

Breton Aldmeri Dominion Warden

EU Megaserver Marcena Gaijus Bellentor

Rank 50
Champion Rank 931 (585,285 / 887,461 XP)
Character assigned to Malzan_Bellentor

  • Magicka: 36436
  • Health: 19263
  • Stamina: 9932
A list of the recipes from the category Tea of Marcena Gaijus Bellentor.

Back to the overview Tea Tea

Tea Recipes 21 / 42 (50%)

Tea Recipes

Jasmine Tea Jasmine TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 1
Mint Chai Mint ChaiAdded on 12/13/2017 Rank 1
Rose Herbal Tea Rose Herbal TeaAdded on 05/25/2017 Rank 1
Bitter Tea Bitter TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 5
Comberry Chai Comberry ChaiAdded on 06/13/2017 Rank 5
Lotus Tea Lotus TeaAdded on 05/25/2017 Rank 5
Honeyberry Tea Honeyberry TeaAdded on 09/09/2017 Rank 10
Morning Reveille Tea Morning Reveille TeaAdded on 08/28/2017 Rank 10
Sweetsting Tea Sweetsting TeaAdded on 08/28/2017 Rank 10
Gingerose Tea Gingerose TeaAdded on 06/26/2017 Rank 15
Green Scourgut Tea Green Scourgut TeaAdded on 06/06/2017 Rank 15
Sourflower Tea Sourflower TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 15
Bitterlemon Tea Bitterlemon TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 20
Seaflower Tea Seaflower TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 20
Treacleberry Tea Treacleberry TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 20
Enlightenment Tea Enlightenment TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 25
Mead de Menthe Mead de MentheRecipe not yet learned Rank 25
Thrassian Chai Thrassian ChaiRecipe not yet learned Rank 25
Maormer Tea Maormer TeaAdded on 06/26/2017 Rank 30
Spiceberry Chai Spiceberry ChaiRecipe not yet learned Rank 30
Torval Mint Tea Torval Mint TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 30
Pink Profundity Pink ProfundityRecipe not yet learned Rank 35
Puckermint Tea Puckermint TeaAdded on 06/22/2017 Rank 35
Winter Rose Tea Winter Rose TeaAdded on 08/28/2017 Rank 35
Sweet Slaughterfish Tea Sweet Slaughterfish TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 40
Two-Zephyr Tea Two-Zephyr TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 40
Vivec's Gingergreen Chai Vivec's Gingergreen ChaiRecipe not yet learned Rank 40
Camlorn Mint Tea Camlorn Mint TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Jasminger Tea Jasminger TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Sweet Dreams Tea Sweet Dreams TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Aetherial Tea Aetherial TeaRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Bitter Ritual Tea Bitter Ritual TeaAdded on 08/28/2017 Rank 50
Clan Mother's Cordial Clan Mother's CordialRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Comberry Citrus Quencher Comberry Citrus QuencherAdded on 05/25/2017 Rank 50
Falkreath Rosy Mead Falkreath Rosy MeadAdded on 12/10/2017 Rank 50
Five-Fireball Infusion Five-Fireball InfusionAdded on 08/28/2017 Rank 50
Heart's Day Rose Tea Heart's Day Rose TeaAdded on 05/25/2017 Rank 50
Khenarthi's Wings Chai Khenarthi's Wings ChaiAdded on 08/28/2017 Rank 50
Mournhold Twister Mournhold TwisterRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Muthsera's Remorse Muthsera's RemorseAdded on 06/17/2017 Rank 50
Pirate Queen Mint Tea Pirate Queen Mint TeaAdded on 12/10/2017 Rank 50
Soothing Bard's-Throat Tea Soothing Bard's-Throat TeaAdded on 09/10/2017 Rank 50