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ArrowMorrak Gamoba

Orc Daggerfall Covenant Necromancer

NA Megaserver Morrak Gamoba

The Flawless Conqueror
Rank 50
Champion Rank 2573 (233,274 / 941,420 XP)
Character assigned to RagingRaoon

  • Magicka: 12770
  • Health: 26117
  • Stamina: 30065
On this page you find the collection category Furnishings - Storage for Morrak Gamoba.

Back to the overview Collection Collection: Furnishings

Unlocked: 8 / 8
Image Name
Storage Chest, Fortified
Clothing Writs
Storage Chest, Oaken
Crown Items
Storage Chest, Secure
Woodworking Writs
Storage Chest, Sturdy
Blacksmithing Writs
Storage Coffer, Fortified
Stamina Potions
Storage Coffer, Oaken
Magic Potions
Storage Coffer, Secure
Health Potions
Storage Coffer, Sturdy