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Dark Elf Ebonheart Pact Templar

NA Megaserver Mr'Gold

Rank 49 (79,470 / 187,494 XP)
Character assigned to Darkhorse1975
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Mr'Gold.

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Recipes 83 / 570 (14%)

Recently learned recipes

Camlorn Sweet Brown Ale Camlorn Sweet Brown AleAdded on 01/31/2020 - Category: Tinctures Rank 50
Braised Rabbit with Spring Vegetables Braised Rabbit with Spring VegetablesAdded on 01/19/2020 - Category: Ragout Rank 50
Dragontail Blended Whisky Dragontail Blended WhiskyAdded on 06/11/2019 - Category: Liqueurs Rank 50

Recipe overview