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ArrowCommunity Screenshots

ArrowNanna Jonsdottir

High Elf Ebonheart Pact Dragonknight

EU Megaserver Nanna Jonsdottir

Rank 23 (17,389 / 34,618 XP)
Character assigned to valenian

  • Magicka: 15632
  • Health: 17061
  • Stamina: 16336
An overview of the skill lines of the character Nanna Jonsdottir.

Back to the overview Class Class

Ardent Flame - Rank 24 2061 / 9780 XP
Draconic Power - Rank 30 8984 / 28848 XP
Earthen Heart - Rank 21 4316 / 7644 XP

Weapon Weapon

Bow - Rank 6 297 / 2226 XP
Destruction Staff - Rank 7 799 / 2850 XP
Dual Wield - Rank 12 2749 / 4039 XP
One Hand and Shield - Rank 8 2350 / 3030 XP
Restoration Staff - Rank 2 34 / 50 XP
Two Handed - Rank 29 30743 / 31808 XP

Armor Armor

Heavy Armor - Rank 19 2546 / 11480 XP
Light Armor - Rank 19 4067 / 11480 XP
Medium Armor - Rank 22 8330 / 14700 XP

World World

Legerdemain - Rank 8 136 / 180 XP

Guild Guild

Fighters Guild - Rank 3 126 / 400 XP

Alliance War Alliance War

Assault - Rank 2 6740 / 7300 XP
Support - Rank 2 6740 / 7300 XP

Racial Racial

No data available

Craft Craft

Alchemy - Rank 2 2610 / 3995 XP
Blacksmithing - Rank 10 8731 / 24400 XP
Clothing - Rank 9 7881 / 21880 XP
Enchanting - Rank 3 3613 / 6920 XP
Provisioning - Rank 7 4290 / 16360 XP
Woodworking - Rank 6 6981 / 13040 XP