ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

ArrowCommunity Screenshots


Dark Elf Ebonheart Pact Dragonknight

EU Megaserver NorafineMain

Master Angler
Rank 50
Champion Rank 2698 (74,759 / 984,677 XP)
Character assigned to Rowenta007

  • Magicka: 15007
  • Health: 28229
  • Stamina: 33726
The first, second and third placed characters of the ESO-Database Leaderboards will be awarded in each category every Week, Month and Year. These awards are displayed on this page.

Back to the overview Awards Awards

  • Paid in NPC Conversations Paid in NPC Conversations (Week Number 32 2018)
    3rd Place in category Paid in NPC Conversations.

    Paid in NPC Conversations: Gold 693
  • Best sell at merchant Best sell at merchant (Week Number 32 2018)
    3rd Place in category Best sell at merchant.

    Best sell at merchant: Gold 1,620
  • Most expensive purchase at merchant Most expensive purchase at merchant (Week Number 32 2018)
    3rd Place in category Most expensive purchase at merchant.

    Most expensive purchase at merchant: Gold 8,000
  • Paid for Merchant Purchases Paid for Merchant Purchases (Week Number 32 2018)
    1st Place in category Paid for Merchant Purchases.

    Paid for Merchant Purchases: Gold 63,800
  • Paid for Merchant Purchases Paid for Merchant Purchases (August 2018)
    2nd Place in category Paid for Merchant Purchases.

    Paid for Merchant Purchases: Gold 201,800
  • Paid Guild Store Paid Guild Store (August 2018)
    3rd Place in category Paid Guild Store.

    Paid Guild Store: Gold 647,298
  • Paid in NPC Conversations Paid in NPC Conversations (August 2018)
    3rd Place in category Paid in NPC Conversations.

    Paid in NPC Conversations: Gold 1,386
  • Paid for resetting skills Paid for resetting skills (August 2018)
    2nd Place in category Paid for resetting skills.

    Paid for resetting skills: Gold 19,250
  • Most expensive purchase on guild store Most expensive purchase on guild store (August 2018)
    3rd Place in category Most expensive purchase on guild store.

    Most expensive purchase on guild store: Gold 56,000
  • Total Gold spent Total Gold spent (August 2018)
    1st Place in category Total Gold spent.

    Total Gold spent: Gold 881,631
  • Earned from Quest Rewards Earned from Quest Rewards (Week Number 31 2018)
    3rd Place in category Earned from Quest Rewards.

    Earned from Quest Rewards: Gold 42,102
  • Most expensive purchase on guild store Most expensive purchase on guild store (Week Number 31 2018)
    3rd Place in category Most expensive purchase on guild store.

    Most expensive purchase on guild store: Gold 42,000
  • Most expensive launder Most expensive launder (Week Number 31 2018)
    3rd Place in category Most expensive launder.

    Most expensive launder: Gold 9
  • Most expensive purchase at merchant Most expensive purchase at merchant (Week Number 30 2018)
    2nd Place in category Most expensive purchase at merchant.

    Most expensive purchase at merchant: Gold 5,000
  • Highest amount of pickpocketed gold Highest amount of pickpocketed gold (Week Number 30 2018)
    2nd Place in category Highest amount of pickpocketed gold.

    Highest amount of pickpocketed gold: Gold 116
Page 62 of 100 (1,495 Awards)