ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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High Elf Daggerfall Covenant Dragonknight
Current or former emperor

EU Megaserver o-s-c-a-r

Rank 50
Champion Rank 3392 (316,583 / 1,224,845 XP)
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  • Magicka: 25045
  • Health: 24324
  • Stamina: 16746
The currency list of the Elder Scrolls Online character o-s-c-a-r in the ESO-Database.

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Gold Gold 7,881
Alliance Points Alliance Points 267,843
Tel Var Stones Tel Var Stones 3,822
Writ Vouchers Writ Vouchers 0
Transmute Crystals Transmute Crystals 495
Crown Gems Crown Gems 225
Crowns Crowns 615
Outfit Change Tokens Outfit Change Tokens 22
Event Tickets Event Tickets 3
Undaunted Keys Undaunted Keys 383
Seals of Endeavor Seals of Endeavor 14,660
Archival Fortunes Archival Fortunes 19,420
Gold Gold 2,107,747
Alliance Points Alliance Points 1,000,904
Tel Var Stones Tel Var Stones 166,808
Writ Vouchers Writ Vouchers 225