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ArrowPeekin Duck

Khajiit Aldmeri Dominion Nightblade

NA Megaserver Peekin Duck

The Wretched
Rank 50
Champion Rank 2224 (596,998 / 820,643 XP)
Character assigned to Dukar_Duck

  • Magicka: 17540
  • Health: 23854
  • Stamina: 26196
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Peekin Duck.

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Recipes 157 / 570 (27%)

Recently learned recipes

Garlic Cod with Potato Crust Garlic Cod with Potato CrustAdded on 11/07/2024 - Category: Ragout Rank 50
Bravil Bitter Barley Beer Bravil Bitter Barley BeerAdded on 07/15/2024 - Category: Liqueurs Rank 50
Late Hearthfire Vegetable Tart Late Hearthfire Vegetable TartAdded on 07/15/2024 - Category: Entremet Rank 50

Recipe overview