ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

ArrowCommunity Screenshots

ArrowPozza Morta

High Elf Aldmeri Dominion Templar

EU Megaserver Pozza MortaMain

Gryphon Heart
Rank 50
Champion Rank 3012 (354,527 / 1,093,341 XP)
Character assigned to mirumorg

  • Magicka: 26745
  • Health: 25356
  • Stamina: 14191
The first, second and third placed characters of the ESO-Database Leaderboards will be awarded in each category every Week, Month and Year. These awards are displayed on this page.

Back to the overview Awards Awards

  • Paid Guild Store Paid Guild Store (Week Number 21 2020)
    2nd Place in category Paid Guild Store.

    Paid Guild Store: Gold 850,588
  • Paid for resetting skills Paid for resetting skills (Week Number 21 2020)
    1st Place in category Paid for resetting skills.

    Paid for resetting skills: Gold 20,500
  • Earned from merchant sells Earned from merchant sells (Week Number 21 2020)
    2nd Place in category Earned from merchant sells.

    Earned from merchant sells: Gold 162,060
  • Paid Guild Store Paid Guild Store (Week Number 20 2020)
    3rd Place in category Paid Guild Store.

    Paid Guild Store: Gold 221,799
  • Best sell on guild store Best sell on guild store (Week Number 20 2020)
    3rd Place in category Best sell on guild store.

    Best sell on guild store: Gold 167,400
  • Best sell at merchant Best sell at merchant (Week Number 20 2020)
    2nd Place in category Best sell at merchant.

    Best sell at merchant: Gold 15,000
  • Number of merchant purchases Number of merchant purchases (Week Number 19 2020)
    3rd Place in category Number of merchant purchases.

    Number of merchant purchases: 3,305
  • Earned from merchant sells Earned from merchant sells (Week Number 19 2020)
    3rd Place in category Earned from merchant sells.

    Earned from merchant sells: Gold 128,636
  • Earned from Rewards for the Worthy Earned from Rewards for the Worthy (Week Number 19 2020)
    1st Place in category Earned from Rewards for the Worthy.

    Earned from Rewards for the Worthy: Gold 4,410
  • Best sell at merchant Best sell at merchant (Week Number 19 2020)
    2nd Place in category Best sell at merchant.

    Best sell at merchant: Gold 20,000
  • Deaths Deaths (May 2020)
    3rd Place in category Deaths.

    Deaths: 829
  • Resurrections Resurrections (May 2020)
    3rd Place in category Resurrections.

    Resurrections: 772
  • Paid Repair Paid Repair (May 2020)
    3rd Place in category Paid Repair.

    Paid Repair: Gold 36,873
  • Paid Guild Store Paid Guild Store (May 2020)
    3rd Place in category Paid Guild Store.

    Paid Guild Store: Gold 1,910,709
  • Paid in NPC Conversations Paid in NPC Conversations (May 2020)
    2nd Place in category Paid in NPC Conversations.

    Paid in NPC Conversations: Gold 2,079
Page 114 of 122 (1,816 Awards)