Community Screenshots

- Magicka: 15042
- Health: 29129
- Stamina: 17823
The titles list of the Elder Scrolls Online character Pruny in the ESO-Database.
Back to the overview
Hero of the Gold Road (Active Title) |
Bane of Beastmen |
Champion of Vivec |
Clockwork Confounder |
Covenbreaker |
Dreadsails' Scourge |
Emissary |
Expert Excavator |
Fate's Chosen |
Fighters Guild Victor |
Finder of Lost Relics |
Huntmaster |
Inheritor |
Jarl Maker |
Kingmaker |
Master Historian |
Pathfinder |
Recruit |
Roister's Club Initiate |
Sagacious Seer |
Savior of Summerset |
Thane of Falkreath |
Three Thrones' Defender |
Tyro |
Undaunted |
Volunteer |