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Orc Aldmeri Dominion Templar

EU Megaserver Rotwälzchen

Rank 50
Champion Rank 2347 (234,434 / 863,209 XP)
Character assigned to cokatrice

  • Magicka: 23275
  • Health: 23538
  • Stamina: 17200
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Rotwälzchen.

Back to the overview Provisioning - Recipes Provisioning - Recipes

Recipes 293 / 570 (51%)

Recently learned recipes

Athlete's Guzzle Athlete's GuzzleAdded on 10/03/2024 - Category: Tonics Rank 25
Vigilance Gold Ale Vigilance Gold AleAdded on 09/14/2024 - Category: Tinctures Rank 35
Bewitched Sugar Skulls Bewitched Sugar SkullsAdded on 07/21/2024 - Category: Delicacies Rank 1

Recipe overview