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ArrowSarah Nathalie

Dark Elf Ebonheart Pact Nightblade

EU Megaserver Sarah NathalieMain

Dark Delver
Rank 50
Champion Rank 796 (320,004 / 440,471 XP)
Character assigned to worka

  • Magicka: 14131
  • Health: 16969
  • Stamina: 24716
A list of the recipes from the category Fruit Dishes of Sarah Nathalie.

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Fruit Dishes Recipes 33 / 42 (78%)

Fruit Dishes Recipes

Baked Apples Baked ApplesRecipe not yet learned Rank 1
Banana Surprise Banana SurpriseRecipe not yet learned Rank 1
Grape Preserves Grape PreservesAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 1
Melon Jelly Melon JellyRecipe not yet learned Rank 5
Pumpkin Puree Pumpkin PureeAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 5
Tomato Soup Tomato SoupRecipe not yet learned Rank 5
Banana Millet Muffin Banana Millet MuffinAdded on 12/17/2019 Rank 10
Bravil Melon Salad Bravil Melon SaladRecipe not yet learned Rank 10
Pumpkin Cheesecake Pumpkin CheesecakeAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 10
Deshaan Honeydew Hors D'Ouevre Deshaan Honeydew Hors D'OuevreAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 15
Fried Green Tomatoes Fried Green TomatoesRecipe not yet learned Rank 15
Stuffed Grape Leaves Stuffed Grape LeavesAdded on 07/07/2019 Rank 15
Garlic Pumpkin Seeds Garlic Pumpkin SeedsAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 20
Pellitine Tomato Rice Pellitine Tomato RiceRecipe not yet learned Rank 20
Redoran Peppered Melon Redoran Peppered MelonAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 20
Cantaloupe Bread Cantaloupe BreadAdded on 11/08/2020 Rank 25
Cinnamon Gorapples Cinnamon GorapplesAdded on 06/30/2018 Rank 25
Green Bananas with Garlic Green Bananas with GarlicAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 25
Cinnamon Grape Jelly Cinnamon Grape JellyRecipe not yet learned Rank 30
Cyrodilic Pumpkin Fritters Cyrodilic Pumpkin FrittersAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 30
Stormhold Baked Bananas Stormhold Baked BananasAdded on 10/11/2016 Rank 30
Apple Cobbler Supreme Apple Cobbler SupremeAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 35
Clan Mother's Banana Pilaf Clan Mother's Banana PilafAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 35
Rimmen Raisin Cookies Rimmen Raisin CookiesAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 35
Kragenmoor Pickled Pumpkin Kragenmoor Pickled PumpkinAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 40
Skyrim Jazbay Crostata Skyrim Jazbay CrostataAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 40
Summer Sundas Soup Summer Sundas SoupRecipe not yet learned Rank 40
Mage's Gorapple Porridge Mage's Gorapple PorridgeAdded on 10/11/2016 Rank 45
Melon-Chevre Salad Melon-Chevre SaladAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 45
Mistral Banana Bread Mistral Banana BreadAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 45
Bananas in Moon-Sugar Syrup Bananas in Moon-Sugar SyrupAdded on 10/11/2016 Rank 50
Combwort Flatbread Combwort FlatbreadAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 50
Firsthold Fruit and Cheese Plate Firsthold Fruit and Cheese PlateAdded on 03/15/2016 Rank 50
Fresh Apples and Eidar Cheese Fresh Apples and Eidar CheeseAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 50
Garlic Guar Stuffed Grape Leaves Garlic Guar Stuffed Grape LeavesAdded on 10/11/2016 Rank 50
Hag Fen Pumpkin Pie Hag Fen Pumpkin PieAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 50
Honey Nut Treat Honey Nut TreatAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 50
House Hlaalu Pumpkin Risotto House Hlaalu Pumpkin RisottoAdded on 03/15/2016 Rank 50
Orcrest Garlic Apple Jelly Orcrest Garlic Apple JellyAdded on 01/24/2016 Rank 50
Ordinator's Beetle-Cheese Soup Ordinator's Beetle-Cheese SoupAdded on 10/11/2016 Rank 50
Thrice-Baked Gorapple Pie Thrice-Baked Gorapple PieAdded on 07/13/2016 Rank 50
Tomato Garlic Chutney Tomato Garlic ChutneyAdded on 06/25/2016 Rank 50