Community Screenshots
Shadow Spell Horshack
- Magicka: 37416
- Health: 21394
- Stamina: 16105
The Tales of Tribute information page of the Elder Scrolls Online character Shadow Spell Horshack in the ESO-Database.
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Match statistics
Matches played
Winning streak
More statistics are available on the Statistics page. |
Tales of Tribute Patrons
Hermaeus MoraPatrons
The Druid KingPatrons
Rajhin, the Purring LiarPatrons
Sorcerer-King OrgnumPatrons
Red Eagle, King of the ReachPatrons
Ansei Frandar HundingPatrons
Psijic Loremaster CelarusPatrons
Duke of CrowsPatrons
Grandmaster Delmene HlaaluPatrons
Saint PelinPatrons
Saint AlessiaPatrons