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ArrowSholadirr Jo

Khajiit Ebonheart Pact Warden

EU Megaserver Sholadirr Jo

Rank 50
Champion Rank 2391 (47,022 / 878,436 XP)
Character assigned to HoshiBenGoshi

  • Magicka: 32681
  • Health: 21271
  • Stamina: 15390
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Sholadirr Jo.

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Recipes 219 / 570 (38%)

Recently learned recipes

Caramelized Goat Nibbles Caramelized Goat NibblesAdded on 02/14/2025 - Category: Gourmet Rank 45
Alik'r Beets with Goat Cheese Alik'r Beets with Goat CheeseAdded on 02/14/2025 - Category: Vegetable Dishes Rank 20
Palace of Kings Ginger Beer Palace of Kings Ginger BeerAdded on 02/09/2025 - Category: Alcoholic Drinks Rank 50

Recipe overview