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ArrowSiladhiel Elysia

High Elf Aldmeri Dominion Sorcerer

NA Megaserver Siladhiel ElysiaMain

Soul Mage Maven
Rank 50
Champion Rank 1359 (343,496 / 347,533 XP)
Character assigned to VStormborn17

  • Magicka: 34365
  • Health: 18319
  • Stamina: 13440
Welcome to the character profile of Siladhiel Elysia!

Character Character Information

Alliance Rank
Corporal Grade 2 Rank 12 - Corporal Grade 2  [58,029 / 230,400 AP]
Infamy Upstanding
Bounty Gold 0
Last seen in   Vvardenfell
Primary residence   Enchanted Snow Globe Home
Mundus Stone The Thief
Available skill points 29
Last update 04/22/2024 18:05:31

Riding Skills Riding Skills

Speed 60 % Stamina 60 Capacity 60

Guilds Guilds

Name Characters Alliance Founded
NA Megaserver Chimera Syndicate 1,338 Aldmeri Dominion 03/28/2018
NA Megaserver Pacrooti's Hirelings 300 Aldmeri Dominion 02/12/2015
NA Megaserver Redfur Dealers 1,265 Daggerfall Covenant 11/10/2022
NA Megaserver Scheming Skeever Imports 2,043 Ebonheart Pact 11/18/2014