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Sir Zapp

- Magicka: 16950
- Health: 30551
- Stamina: 22569
On this page you can view the lore books of the selected category for Sir Zapp.
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Lore Library
Eidetic Memory - Gold Coast Tomes
A Call to the Worthy
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
A Nixad Made Me Do It
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Anvil Taxes
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Arena Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Baandari Peddler Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Bitter Travels Among the Nixad
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Cathedral Hierarchy
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Chewed Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Confessions of a Vampire Devotee
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Contractor's Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Count's Correspondence
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Dibella's Mysteries and Revelations
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Dragonstar Caravan Company Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Exposing a Terrible Evil
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Free Market of the People
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Glories of the Pirate Queen
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Gold Coast Goblin Tribes
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Gold Coast Guide, Part Two
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Gold Coast Notables
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Gold Coast Trading Company Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Great Cathedral Closed!
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Guide to Taming Dire Wolves
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Imperial University Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Intriguing Ayleid Ruin
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Investigator Vale: Shadow Fellows
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Join the Order!
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Kindly Contrivers Notes
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Knightsgrave: Legend or Legacy
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Kvatch Arena Reopens!
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Kwama Miner's Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Letter from the Governor
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Letter to the Withered Rose
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Litany of Blood
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Naryu's Fortune
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
On Minotaurs
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Order of the Hour
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Pirate Queen of the Gold Coast
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Reman's Fortune
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Resolutes of Stendarr Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Rise of the Red Sails
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
River Trolls Exterminator?
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Sanguine's Revelers Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Secret Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Shadowbanish Vintners Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Silver Dawn Contract
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Soggy Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Solus Vertilus's Journal
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Suspicious Message
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Black Dragon's Journal
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Black Dragon's Journal, Part 2
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Black Hand
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Blade of Woe
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Butcher of Bravil
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Deal
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Five Tenets
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Glint in the Night
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Grand Sermonizer's Journal
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Lie We Tell Ourselves
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Minotaur Song
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Mysterious Mermaid of Anvil
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Primate: Before the Light
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Primate: Finding Faith
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Primate: Rise to Glory
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Saga of Captain Wereshark, Part 4
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Saga of Captain Wereshark, Part 6
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Silver Werewolf
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Society of the Dragon
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Wolf and the Dragon
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
The Wolf and the Pirate Queen
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Up High Note
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Varen's Wall
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Venom's Sanctuary Marginalia
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Worship of the Dragon God
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
Your Package Is Ready
This book was read by Sir Zapp. -
A Gold Coast Children's Bestiary
Anvil Lighthouse Report
Arena Fight Card
Epitaph for Ianus Faleria
Epitaph for Lucina Faleria
Epitaph for Maxivian Faleria
Epitaph for Neransi Faleria
Eyewitness to the Wall
Fantos Epilion's Journal
Field Guide to River Trolls
Garlas Agea Construction Log
Gold Coast Guide, Part One
Letter from Kireth
Letter to Sybilline Elve
Letter to the Grand Chanter
Litany of Blood Fulfilled
Lord Jarol's Deep Thoughts
Naughty Nereid Players
Needful Things
Regarding Your Contract
Song of the Prowler
Special Instructions
Sweetroll Recipients
The Black Dragon
The Lost Fort Faleria
The Saga of Captain Wereshark, Part 5
The Saga of Captain Wereshark, Part 7
To the Traitor of Saintsport
Words of the Grand Sermonizer