ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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Imperial Daggerfall Covenant Dragonknight

EU Megaserver StevesixsixseveneightMain

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1869 (541,852 / 697,791 XP)
Character assigned to steve6678

  • Magicka: 18619
  • Health: 35131
  • Stamina: 22694
The first, second and third placed characters of the ESO-Database Leaderboards will be awarded in each category every Week, Month and Year. These awards are displayed on this page.

Back to the overview Awards Awards

  • Highest amount of pickpocketed gold Highest amount of pickpocketed gold (May 2017)
    3rd Place in category Highest amount of pickpocketed gold.

    Highest amount of pickpocketed gold: Gold 117
  • Bounty paid Bounty paid (Week Number 18 2017)
    3rd Place in category Bounty paid.

    Bounty paid: Gold 4,919
  • Most expensive purchase on guild store Most expensive purchase on guild store (Week Number 18 2017)
    2nd Place in category Most expensive purchase on guild store.

    Most expensive purchase on guild store: Gold 38,860
  • Most expensive launder Most expensive launder (Week Number 18 2017)
    3rd Place in category Most expensive launder.

    Most expensive launder: Gold 90
  • Bounty paid Bounty paid (Week Number 16 2017)
    3rd Place in category Bounty paid.

    Bounty paid: Gold 12,610
  • Bounty paid Bounty paid (Week Number 16 2017)
    1st Place in category Bounty paid.

    Bounty paid: Gold 12,610
  • Bounty paid Bounty paid (Week Number 15 2017)
    1st Place in category Bounty paid.

    Bounty paid: Gold 5,910
  • Highest amount of pickpocketed gold Highest amount of pickpocketed gold (Week Number 15 2017)
    1st Place in category Highest amount of pickpocketed gold.

    Highest amount of pickpocketed gold: Gold 117
  • Paid for launder Paid for launder (Week Number 14 2017)
    2nd Place in category Paid for launder.

    Paid for launder: Gold 424
  • Highest amount of pickpocketed gold Highest amount of pickpocketed gold (Week Number 14 2017)
    1st Place in category Highest amount of pickpocketed gold.

    Highest amount of pickpocketed gold: Gold 117
  • Bounty paid Bounty paid (April 2017)
    1st Place in category Bounty paid.

    Bounty paid: Gold 19,767
  • Highest amount of pickpocketed gold Highest amount of pickpocketed gold (April 2017)
    2nd Place in category Highest amount of pickpocketed gold.

    Highest amount of pickpocketed gold: Gold 117
  • Highest amount of pickpocketed gold Highest amount of pickpocketed gold (Week Number 11 2017)
    2nd Place in category Highest amount of pickpocketed gold.

    Highest amount of pickpocketed gold: Gold 117
  • Most expensive launder Most expensive launder (Week Number 10 2017)
    2nd Place in category Most expensive launder.

    Most expensive launder: Gold 400
  • Highest amount of pickpocketed gold Highest amount of pickpocketed gold (Week Number 10 2017)
    3rd Place in category Highest amount of pickpocketed gold.

    Highest amount of pickpocketed gold: Gold 117
Page 14 of 24 (352 Awards)