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Redguard Daggerfall Covenant Nightblade

EU Megaserver Szurkefarkas

Rank 50
Champion Rank 170 (28,372 / 73,220 XP)
Character assigned to GreyWolf.74

  • Magicka: 17954
  • Health: 25465
  • Stamina: 15554
An overview of the skill lines of the character Szurkefarkas.

Back to the overview Class Class

Assassination - Rank 50 Level Cap
Shadow - Rank 46 83502 / 90014 XP
Siphoning - Rank 48 6265 / 101164 XP

Weapon Weapon

Bow - Rank 10 2855 / 3438 XP
Destruction Staff - Rank 50 Level Cap
Dual Wield - Rank 6 0 / 2226 XP
One Hand and Shield - Rank 33 17799 / 38892 XP
Restoration Staff - Rank 14 1371 / 4908 XP
Two Handed - Rank 46 29900 / 120019 XP

Armor Armor

Heavy Armor - Rank 50 Level Cap
Light Armor - Rank 21 6523 / 12740 XP
Medium Armor - Rank 37 11642 / 35406 XP

World World

Excavation - Rank 1 5 / 8 XP
Legerdemain - Rank 13 233 / 280 XP
Scrying - Rank 1 5 / 8 XP
Soul Magic - Rank 5 0 / 10 XP
Vampire - Rank 4 41263 / 107072 XP
Werewolf - Rank 9 95 / 225 XP

Guild Guild

Dark Brotherhood - Rank 3 45 / 50 XP
Fighters Guild - Rank 7 739 / 1120 XP
Mages Guild - Rank 6 100 / 170 XP
Psijic Order - Rank 1 0 / 10 XP
Thieves Guild - Rank 1 0 / 10 XP
Undaunted - Rank 2 10 / 100 XP

Alliance War Alliance War

Assault - Rank 2 2300 / 7300 XP
Emperor - Rank 1 0 / 10 XP
Support - Rank 2 2300 / 7300 XP

Racial Racial

Redguard Skills - Rank 50 Level Cap

Craft Craft

Alchemy - Rank 30 10165 / 74700 XP
Blacksmithing - Rank 26 50614 / 61280 XP
Clothing - Rank 37 93774 / 105280 XP
Enchanting - Rank 12 23328 / 29400 XP
Jewelry Crafting - Rank 15 11812 / 32600 XP
Provisioning - Rank 50 Level Cap
Woodworking - Rank 26 38022 / 61280 XP