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Breton Aldmeri Dominion Sorcerer
Current or former emperor

NA Megaserver Tayylor

Seaborne Slayer
Rank 50
Champion Rank 2543 (780,803 / 931,038 XP)
Character assigned to Irish2018

  • Magicka: 29733
  • Health: 25014
  • Stamina: 14523
A list of the furnishings from the category Shrubs of Tayylor.

Back to the overview Shrubs Shrubs

Shrubs Furniture 1 / 3 (33%)

Shrubs Furniture

Fabricant Shrub, Copper Fabricant Shrub, CopperAdded on 01/07/2025 Level 1
Fabricant Shrub, Gold Fabricant Shrub, GoldFurnishing not yet learned Level 1
Fabricant Shrubs, Beryl Fabricant Shrubs, BerylFurnishing not yet learned Level 1