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ArrowThina Raziel

Breton Daggerfall Covenant Necromancer

EU Megaserver Thina Raziel

Lady of Misrule
Rank 50
Champion Rank 1891 (644,694 / 705,405 XP)
Character assigned to Thinara

  • Magicka: 18705
  • Health: 33830
  • Stamina: 21121
An overview of the dungeon progress of the character Thina Raziel. Move the mouse over the green checkmark to display the time of the dungeon completion.
Progression: Normal 45 / 54 (83%)
Progression: Veteran 38 / 54 (70%)
Progression: Hardmode 37 / 54 (68%)
Progression: Speedrun 30 / 54 (55%)
Progression: No-Death 16 / 54 (29%)

Back to the overview Dungeon Base Game

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Fungal Grotto I
Fungal Grotto II
Spindleclutch I
Spindleclutch II
Banished Cells I
Banished Cells II
Darkshade Caverns I
Darkshade Caverns II
Elden Hollow I
Elden Hollow II
Wayrest Sewers I
Wayrest Sewers II
Arx Corinium
City of Ash I
City of Ash II
Crypt of Hearts I
Crypt of Hearts II
Direfrost Keep
Tempest Island
Blackheart Haven
Blessed Crucible
Selene's Web
Vaults of Madness

Dungeon Imperial City

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Imperial City Prison
White-Gold Tower

Dungeon Shadows of the Hist

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Cradle of Shadows
Ruins of Mazzatun

Dungeon Horns of the Reach

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Falkreath Hold
Bloodroot Forge

Dungeon Dragon Bones

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Scalecaller Peak
Fang Lair

Dungeon Wolfhunter

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Moon Hunter Keep
March of Sacrifices

Dungeon Wrathstone

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Depths of Malatar

Dungeon Scalebreaker

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Lair of Maarselok
Moongrave Fane

Dungeon Harrowstorm

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Unhallowed Grave

Dungeon Stonethorn

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Castle Thorn
Stone Garden

Dungeon Flames of Ambition

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
The Cauldron
Black Drake Villa

Dungeon Waking Flame

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
The Dread Cellar
Red Petal Bastion

Dungeon Ascending Tide

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Coral Aerie
Shipwright’s Regret

Dungeon Lost Depths

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Earthen Root Enclave
Graven Deep

Dungeon Scribes of Fate

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Bal Sunnar
Scrivener’s Hall

Dungeon Scions of Ithelia

Dungeon Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun No-Death
Bedlam Veil
Oathsworn Pit