Community Screenshots
This One Smashes Tail
- Magicka: 22380
- Health: 27173
- Stamina: 29716
The Tales of Tribute information page of the Elder Scrolls Online character This One Smashes Tail in the ESO-Database.
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Match statistics
Matches played
Winning streak
More statistics are available on the Statistics page. |
Tales of Tribute Patrons
Sorcerer-King OrgnumPatrons
Red Eagle, King of the ReachPatrons
Ansei Frandar HundingPatrons
Psijic Loremaster CelarusPatrons
Duke of CrowsPatrons
Grandmaster Delmene HlaaluPatrons
Saint PelinPatrons
Saint AlessiaPatrons
Hermaeus MoraPatrons
The Druid KingPatrons
Rajhin, the Purring LiarPatrons