Community Screenshots
Xanthilus Pandracones

- Magicka: 34922
- Health: 20164
- Stamina: 11917
On this page you can view the achievements of the selected category for Xanthilus Pandracones.
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Summerset - Cloudrest
Cloudrest Completed Defeat Z'Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in Cloudrest.50.00% of all Players have achieved this.15 -
Cloudrest Contender Defeat Z'Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in the same fight in Cloudrest.29.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Cloudrest Conqueror Defeat Z'Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in Veteran Cloudrest.22.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
A Sload and Her Shadow Defeat Z'Maja with one Welkynar shade fighting by her side in Veteran Cloudrest.16.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Three's Deadly Company Defeat Z'Maja with two Welkynar shades fighting by her side in Veteran Cloudrest.11.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Cloudrest Vanquisher Defeat Z'Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in the same fight in Veteran Cloudrest.9.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Speedy Sload Slayer Defeat Z'Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe within a time limit of 15 minutes in Veteran Cloudrest. Timer starts when players enter the Cloudrest Aerie.10.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Surviving the Shadows Defeat Z'Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe without suffering a group member death in Veteran Cloudrest.5.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
The Path to Alaxon Defeat Z'Maja, Siroria, Relequen, and Galenwe in the same battle without suffering a group member death within 15 minutes of entering the Cloudrest Aerie in Veteran Cloudrest.4.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Cloudrest Savior Complete the listed achievements for Cloudrest.4.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
One Core, No More Defeat Z'Maja with each group member picking up and destroying only one Malevolent Core in Veteran Cloudrest.8.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Misery Loves Company While battling Z'Maja with all three of the Welkynars' shades by her side, a player with the Hoarfrost affliction and two other players with the Voltaic Overload affliction share the damage of the Roaring Flare eruption in Veteran Cloudrest.10.00% of all Players have achieved this.50 -
Flares and Deadly Shadows While battling Z'Maja with Siroria's shade by her side, utilize a Roaring Flare attack and achieve 20 killing blows against Shadows of the Fallen in Veteran Cloudrest.10.00% of all Players have achieved this.15 -
Core Coordination While battling Z'Maja, after activating a single Welkynar's Light, activate two more Welkynar's Lights and destroy three Malevolent Cores within the next 6 seconds in Veteran Cloudrest.6.00% of all Players have achieved this.15 -
Yaghra Blockade While battling Z'Maja during a single Shadow World event, prevent all yaghra from entering the gateway and crossing into the mortal realm on 15 separate occasions in Cloudrest.6.00% of all Players have achieved this.15 -
The Mystic's Ice Have Galenwe's shade destroy 20 roaming Hoarfrost cyclones with his Spiked Ice attack in Cloudrest.9.00% of all Players have achieved this.15 -
Shocking Instinct While battling Relequen's shade by itself, no player is hit by Voltaic Overload and no player spreads Voltaic Current to other players throughout the entire encounter in Cloudrest.14.00% of all Players have achieved this.10 -
Valorous Combustion While battling Siroria's shade by itself, every Roaring Flare throughout the entire encounter must be split between at least 6 players in Cloudrest.28.00% of all Players have achieved this.10 -
Welkynar Style Master Learn every chapter in the Welkynar style book, occasionally found as rewards for completing the Cloudrest Trial.25.00% of all Players have achieved this.50