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ArrowCommunity Screenshots

Arrow'Xantus da Storm

Orc Ebonheart Pact Sorcerer

EU Megaserver 'Xantus da Storm

Rank 50
Champion Rank 609 (597,392 / 761,067 XP)
Character assigned to Xantuss

  • Magicka: 9387
  • Health: 10315
  • Stamina: 19544
An overview of the skill lines of the character 'Xantus da Storm.

Back to the overview Class Class

Daedric Summoning - Rank 42 46823 / 71247 XP
Dark Magic - Rank 20 2503 / 7320 XP
Storm Calling - Rank 48 14130 / 101164 XP

Weapon Weapon

Bow - Rank 33 7987 / 38892 XP
Destruction Staff - Rank 3 387 / 407 XP
Dual Wield - Rank 48 209 / 134885 XP
One Hand and Shield - Rank 1 0 / 2 XP
Restoration Staff - Rank 1 0 / 2 XP
Two Handed - Rank 46 8445 / 120019 XP

Armor Armor

Heavy Armor - Rank 32 2663 / 26460 XP
Light Armor - Rank 34 3945 / 29682 XP
Medium Armor - Rank 50 Level Cap

World World

Legerdemain - Rank 1 28 / 40 XP
Soul Magic - Rank 3 0 / 10 XP

Guild Guild

Dark Brotherhood - Rank 1 5 / 25 XP
Fighters Guild - Rank 8 1313 / 1360 XP
Mages Guild - Rank 2 20 / 90 XP
Thieves Guild - Rank 1 0 / 10 XP
Undaunted - Rank 3 45 / 150 XP

Alliance War Alliance War

Assault - Rank 3 23907 / 30000 XP
Support - Rank 3 23907 / 30000 XP

Racial Racial

No data available

Craft Craft

Alchemy - Rank 1 0 / 640 XP
Blacksmithing - Rank 20 28572 / 45750 XP
Clothing - Rank 23 39181 / 52920 XP
Enchanting - Rank 12 17525 / 29400 XP
Provisioning - Rank 1 152 / 640 XP
Woodworking - Rank 20 43087 / 45750 XP