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Dark Elf Aldmeri Dominion Necromancer

NA Megaserver Xu'do

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1883 (265,803 / 702,636 XP)
Character assigned to Xudowudo

  • Magicka: 26097
  • Health: 22304
  • Stamina: 13910
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Xu'do.

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Recipes 45 / 570 (7%)

Recently learned recipes

Ghastly Eye Bowl Ghastly Eye BowlAdded on 10/16/2021 - Category: Delicacies Rank 1
Bowl of "Peeled Eyeballs" Bowl of "Peeled Eyeballs"Added on 10/16/2021 - Category: Delicacies Rank 1
Crisp and Crunchy Pumpkin Snack Skewer Crisp and Crunchy Pumpkin Snack SkewerAdded on 10/16/2021 - Category: Delicacies Rank 1

Recipe overview