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Nord Ebonheart Pact Necromancer

NA Megaserver Zath'ros

Master Angler
Rank 50
Champion Rank 2059 (36,501 / 763,543 XP)
Character assigned to Kosfa

  • Magicka: 13271
  • Health: 47859
  • Stamina: 18105
Welcome to the character profile of Zath'ros!

Character Character Information

Alliance Rank
Recruit Grade 2 Rank 4 - Recruit Grade 2  [17,639 / 25,600 AP]
Infamy Upstanding
Bounty Gold 0
Last seen in   Summerset
Primary residence   Alinor Crest Townhouse
Mundus Stone The Atronach
Available skill points 6
Last update 02/22/2025 07:21:30

Riding Skills Riding Skills

Speed 60 % Stamina 60 Capacity 60

Guilds Guilds

Name Characters Alliance Founded
NA Megaserver COEUS 965 Aldmeri Dominion 12/26/2014
NA Megaserver Grey Manes 2,001 Aldmeri Dominion 08/10/2019
NA Megaserver Here to Help 654 Aldmeri Dominion 07/29/2024
NA Megaserver Righteous Evil 1,218 Aldmeri Dominion 01/15/2022